Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Beatdom Available on Amazon

Beatdom has been selected as a special publication by its publishers. This is probably because we've sold so many copies, so I must thank everyone who has bought, downloaded or stolen Beatdom at some point in the last two years. 

Now, as a special publication, we are listed on Amazon,com. I know this is a pretty standard thing in this day and age, but for a small literary magazine, that's actually quite an achievement. 

Here's the link: Issue One and Issue Two

Unfortunately, the price of Beatdom on Amazon will be higher than elsewhere, but it is still non-profit. The publishers take their cut, Amazon take theirs (30%!) and we take nothing. However, you can still download the magazine for free through our website.

Issue Four thus bodes well, with a much better platform for distribution. So get on board by sending your submissions quickly.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Update, May 20th

Beatdom is moments away from rolling over the 5,000 page views for its website, only a month after hitting 4,000. With that increase in traffic, we've managed to sell around 100 copies of the magazine, making this the fastest month of sales since our first month in business. Beatdom is finding new fans at a great rate, and we're working hard on getting Issue Four ready for publication. To celebrate our recent good form, we've invested in an ISBN and a place on Amazon.com so that we can be bought more easily (but still remain non-profit, of course). That means you can grab a hard copy faster than ever before, while still reading the online version for free at our website. We're also being viewed as required reading in universities, and considered among the worlds foremost resources regarding the Beat Generation. So if you want to jump on the bandwagon of popularity and help make Issue Four the best ever, getting writing about the Beats, and e-mail us at editor@beatdom.com

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Issue Four

Issue Three was a great success, and riding on that wave, Beatdom is rushing forth the next issue. We made you wait too long for Issue Three, and now we'll make it up to you. Issue Four is scheduled to appear within three months! That's a quarter of the time it took to release issue Three...

Issue Four has so far lined up the following selection of brilliant Beat studies...

  • The search for Kerouac's roots
  • Hunter S. Thompson & The Beats
  • Gary Snyder's poetry
  • A look at Alene Lee
  • The changing lines in Kerouac's poetry
  • The next instalment of Modern Beat
  • An interview with Larry Keenan

But we need more... Issue Four needs submissions, so please see www.beatdom.com for the details.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Beatdom Archives

It's been a while since we started archiving our old articles, but it's still slowly coming along... Today we added the interviews from our first issue - Barry Gifford, Zane Kesey, Ken Babbs and Paul Krassner. Those were some great interviews, a wealth of information passed on to a new generation.

We've got about half the first issue archived, some of the second, and the main feature from issue three - the guide to Kerouac's characters. They're all free, online and easy to access at our archives.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Kerouac in SLO

I recently found this brilliant article about Jack Kerouac's time in San Luis Obispo, back in 1953. That was the town where I spent several months editing issue two of Beatdom, and used as my base for conduting interviews and research from San Francisco to Denver. I had NO IDEA that Kerouac actually stayed in that glorious little place.