Today is 18th July, which Hunter S. Thompson's birthday.
I hope people all around the world are filling their glasses, dropping their tabs of acid, and lighting their fat joints in a shared memory of one of the finest writers of the 20th Century!
More than that, we should all take a scathing look at the world around us and trying to write some searing indictments of the world that is run by fat, crooked swine. Don't let the bastards get away with this!
If you're in a more scholarly mood, I've posted an article about Hunter S. Thompson's relationship to the Beat Generation on the Beatdom website. Read it here:
Anyway, enjoy the day. It's what he would have wanted you to do.
December Update
15 years ago
Thanks for the reminder.
Now, where's my cigarette holder?
You left it with the guns and rum
Here here David. A memory best kept alive.
Open bar at a wedding today I will be sure to get a little sloppy and pour one out for him. Actually I bet he would think that is wasting. Extra shot it is.
Just wanted to let you know we put up a post as well about him and have linked back to you. Hope the celebrations are going well.
All the best, old man!
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